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Synchronized dance of dwarf galaxies
30 Mar 2020
Stumps big bang boffins
by John Hartnett
Do mutations add information?
28 Mar 2020
Mutations can add information, so why is that not evolution?
by Joel Tay
Origins of pathogenic microbes: part 1—bacteria
27 Mar 2020
Where did disease-causing bacteria come from?
by Warren A. Shipton
Did Christians oppose James Simpson on childbirth pain relief?
26 Mar 2020
James Simpson did justify childbirth anesthesia using Scripture, but there was almost no opposition from the Church.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Supercapacitor electrode design inspired by leaves on branches
25 Mar 2020
The arrangement of branches and leaves maximizes gas absorption. Supercapacitor modeled on this pattern, albeit a millionth the size, maximizes charge storage capacity.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Cosmic Biology
24 Mar 2020
A strange group of scientific ‘outsiders’, the Hoylites, are denouncing Darwin while promoting panspermia.
by Paul Price and Matthew Cserhati
The Octopus
23 Mar 2020
“Said to have ‘alien biology’, and are ‘too brainy’ for their age!”.
by David Catchpoole
Does God give permission to eat meat?
21 Mar 2020
A reader writes in with a question regarding whether God gave permission to eat meat.
by Lita Sanders
A global anti-Christian totalitarian threat
20 Mar 2020
A global anti-Christian totalitarian threat.
by John Loiterton
From the mouths of sceptics
19 Mar 2020
“From the horse’s mouth”—one has to smile when evolutionary scientists unintentionally provide strong confirmation of the views of those ‘pesky’ creationists!
by Philip Bell
Unearthing exciting evidence for creation
18 Mar 2020
Gary Bates interviews fossil researcher Vance Nelson
by Gary Bates
Animal death before the Fall
17 Mar 2020
Does God care anything about animal death and suffering? The Bible says ‘yes’. It’s part of God’s nature.
by Paul Price