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Obama racism row
08 Dec 2009
‘Disgustingly racist and offensive’ pictures on the internet of America’s First Lady have caused a furore, for which Google executives have apologized. What’s behind it all?
by David Catchpoole
Saturn—the ringed planet
07 Dec 2009
This beautiful giant ringed planet baffles evolutionary astronomers.
by Spike Psarris
Why do we need to look outside the Bible?
05 Dec 2009
How a solid response to questions about science and Genesis strengthens our faith.
by Tas Walker
Is Darius, the king of Ezra 6:14–15, the same king as the Artaxerxes of Ezra 7:1?
04 Dec 2009
These two are the same king, linking a continuous chronology from creation to Christ.
by David Austin
Evolutionists retreating from the arena of science
03 Dec 2009
Their regress to unfalsifiable positions is now evident in every arena where they once triumphed.
by Dave Woetzel
Natural selection, yes; Evolution, no!
17 Nov 2010
You’ll be amazed at how the ‘evidence for evolution’ in this pro-Darwin television series crumbles under scientific scrutiny.
by Russell Grigg
What did Wilberforce really say to “Darwin’s bulldog”?
27 Jun 2019
Did Wilberforce ask Huxley if he was an ape on his grandfather’s or his grandmother’s side? You’ll be surprised at the answer.
by Russell Grigg
Whether tall or small—people, all!
30 Nov 2009
The staggering variation in people’s height illustrates the created capacity for variety in the human kind.
by David Catchpoole
Hitler, the Dalai Lama, sin and salvation
28 Nov 2009
Why do some people commit mass murder yet others follow great moral teaching?
by Lita Cosner & DB
More Brave New World fiction
10 Nov 2010
Episode 2 of this TV series on Darwin shows that experimental evidence for Darwinism is fictitious.
by Russell Grigg
Blinded? Or “bewitched”?
26 Nov 2009
Evolutionary scientists claim biblical justification for their stance.
by Adrian Bates
Spot the Spin
03 Nov 2010
A new TV series on Darwin gives viewers lots of examples of ‘struggle’, but fails to show how all this proves ‘evolution’.
by Russell Grigg