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The cat who refuses to eat meat
28 Apr 2009
A vegetarian cat? How does this shed light on Eden, the pre-Fall world?
by Carl Wieland
Answering the ‘new atheists’
27 Apr 2009
Christian author Doug Wilson has met the challenge of the new apostles of godlessness ‘head-on’, teaching Christians how to refute their arguments with ease.
by Lael Weinberger
Gospel Dates and Reliability
25 Apr 2009
When were the Gospels written? How long was this after the events they record? Should they be trusted if they were written decades later?
by Lita Sanders
Sloppy, lazy and dishonest
24 Apr 2009
Yet another compromising neo-evangelical book that attacks biblical creationists but ignores or distorts their actual arguments. This one promotes the unbiblical “Analogical Days” view.
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Bacteria trapped for “millions of years” under Antarctic ice
23 Apr 2009
Evolutionary fascination drives yet another news story about vast timespans. But what do the facts show?
by Carl Wieland
In Charles Darwin’s footsteps
22 Apr 2009
We hope you enjoy this preview of an article from the recently released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Carl Wieland
Dawkins and Design
17 Jun 2023
Some atheists like Richard Dawkins might accept a designer—as long as it is aliens not the biblical God.
by David Catchpoole
How could Noah care for the animals?
20 Apr 2009
Like Noah, farmers in northern Europe keep their animals inside for months at a time.
by Harrie Tjoelker
The disingenuous and anti-Christian nature of ‘gay rights’ rhetoric
18 Apr 2009
The homosexual rights lobby use some deceitful tactics, and are guilty of glaring double standards. Some of their churchian allies exhibit remarkable eisegetical gymnastics to evade the Bible’s clear teaching.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Progressive creationist anthropology: many reasons NOT to believe
17 Apr 2009
Long-age compromises have especially baneful effects when it comes to origin of mankind, butchering both Scripture and science.
by Peter Line
Anti-creationists: do they fear an overthrow of Darwin in the U.S.?
16 Apr 2009
More and more US states are passing laws weakening the sacrosanct status of Darwinism, and evolutionists are reacting ever more shrilly.
by Russ Humphreys
Did Darwin recant?
15 Apr 2009
Did Darwin recant?
by Russell Grigg