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Dinosaur footprint treasure trove found in Britain
20 May 2020
How quickly did they form?
by Phil Robinson
Dark matter in trouble again
19 May 2020
Does a new analysis undermine ‘exotic neutrinos’ as dark matter or not?
by John Hartnett
The tapir
18 May 2020
‘Primitive’? A ‘hodge-podge of leftovers’? Or something else?
by David Catchpoole
Is Genesis 1 only about functional creation?
16 May 2020
John Walton’s claim that Genesis 1 is exclusively about functional creation is considered and critiqued.
by Keaton Halley
Have uniformitarians rescued the ‘Pacemaker of the Ice Ages’ paper?
15 May 2020
Is the data on which the secular Milankovitch theory of climate forcing saved by a 1997 paper?
by Jake Hebert
Natural Selection in Paradise
14 May 2020
The fact that some organisms reproduce more than others, depending on the environment, means that natural selection will be operating in the world before Adam sinned and death and suffering entered in.
by Robert Carter
Sick, suffering monsters and the eugenicists who created them
13 May 2020
How did eugenics give rise to many of the modern dog breeds?
by Lita Sanders
Who were the ‘sons of God’ in Genesis 6?
12 May 2020
Figuring out one of the most curious passages in Scripture.
by Gary Bates
Canaanite Hazor—the Bible got it right
11 May 2020
Uncommon knowledge of the ancient city preserved in Scripture
by Keaton Halley
Dating Kabwe 1, the Broken Hill skull from Zambia
09 May 2020
Why is Homo heidelbergensis so much younger than previously thought?
by Tas Walker
Yedomas show one ice age
08 May 2020
Where are the yedomas from previous ice ages?
by Michael J. Oard
Orangutan mutter
07 May 2020
Research on great apes supposedly helps us understand the evolution of speech. Is this true?
by Lucien Tuinstra