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The thymus gland and cot deaths
25 Mar 2015
Wrong evolutionary assumptions about the thymus gland and cot deaths led to the unnecessary demise of many more children.
by John Rendle-Short
Margaret Sanger and the minority holocaust
16 Jun 2022
While Margaret Sanger was anti-abortion, she was a fanatical racist and eugenicist. Planned Parenthood is practising racist eugenics by locating in minority neighbourhoods and aborting minority babies.
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
Our moon was wet when it formed
23 Mar 2015
Planetary scientists are all abuzz with the news of an amazing discovery
by Jonathan O'Brian
‘Creation is faith; evolution is science’?
22 Mar 2015
It’s often claimed that evolution—not biblical creation—is evidence-based science; the truth is very different.
by Florin Mocanu
Evolutionary ‘programming’ and the stumbling block of thousands of years
21 Mar 2015
Most don’t realize it but from a young age we are programmed into acceptance of the millions of years.
by Gary Bates
Behemoth and leviathan in the book of Job
20 Mar 2015
What were they? Dinosaurs? Modern day animals? Symbolic monsters of evil?
by Mart-Jan Paul
National Geographic claims creationists are at war with science
19 Mar 2015
Is science determined by majority vote?
by Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
Pioneer of creationism
18 Mar 2015
Geologist Clifford Burdick challenged evolutionary thinking in many areas including radiometric dating.
by Gerald B. Heyes
Truth, half truths and outright falsehoods!
17 Mar 2015
When listening to evolutionary, old age rhetoric it is important to separate the facts from the fantasy.
by Gary Bates
Einstein’s heroes
16 Mar 2015
Einstein had pictures of three famous scientists on his study wall. Who were they, and why does it matter?
by Shaun Doyle
The Miller–Urey experiment revisited
15 Mar 2015
New claims about this ‘classic’ origin-of-life experiment, but it remains inadequate—and evidence shows the earth always had an oxidizing atmosphere.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Sound arguments or special pleading?
14 Mar 2015
How to respond when someone tries to define the rules of the debate on their terms.
by Carl Wieland