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Atheists in church?
26 Jan 2012
You might be surprised to know who attends church these days.
by David Catchpoole
Jesus teaching the ‘big picture’ from Genesis
25 Jan 2012
Today’s evolutionized society needs Gospel preaching based on Genesis.
by Gary Bates, Russell Grigg
Scrambling Scripture
24 Jan 2012
Prominent UK theistic evolutionist denies doctrine of original sin.
by Dominic Statham
‘Hidden animals’ of the Mekong
23 Jan 2012
Over 1,000 new species have been discovered in the Mekong River region.
by David Catchpoole
Does Genesis allow any scientific theory of origin?
22 Jan 2012
The church fathers did not allegorize Genesis, as John Dickson claims, and his approach undermines the Gospel.
by Benno Zuiddam
Dawkins gloats over boost to evolutionary dogma in schools
21 Jan 2012
Richard Dawkins and British Humanist Association celebrate censorship of creation teaching in UK schools.
by Dominic Statham and Philip Bell
Further expansion of evolutionary fossil time ranges
20 Jan 2012
More confusion and contradiction in the evolutionary story about the fossils.
by Michael Oard
Croc-nosed dinosaur bone surprises researchers
19 Jan 2012
Does the find of a croc-nosed dinosaur better fit the evolutionary story of millions of years or the biblical history of Noah’s Flood?
by Shane Cessna
The Future
18 Jan 2012
Christians who embrace theistic evolution or progressive creation over billions of years in the past face the problem of heat death of the universe billions of years in the future.
by Russell Grigg
Global Atheist Convention
17 Jan 2012
Stimulates Christian evangelism
by Tas Walker
Planets around other stars
16 Jan 2012
Many extrasolar planets have been discovered. But they pose many problems for evolutionary theories of stellar system origin.
by Wayne Spencer
How precise is the Bible about the date of creation?
15 Jan 2012
Can we discern from the Bible the exact year or day for the date of creation?
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati