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Billy Graham: 1918–2018
24 Feb 2018
‘America’s pastor’ died at the age of 99. What can Christians learn from his life and ministry?
by Scott Gillis
An atheist rubs shoulders with creationists
23 Feb 2018
Review of Among the Creationists: Dispatches from the Anti-Evolutionist Front Line.
by John Woodmorappe
Dinosaurs are almost certainly extinct
23 May 2024
We have had decades to verify the many claims that dinosaurs are still alive today, but to date none of those have panned out.
by Robert W. Carter, Gary Bates, Jonathan Sarfati
Are we grasping the nettle with our apologetics?
20 Feb 2018
Everyone with a strongly-held opinion about origins desires a higher profile for their point of view but only a minority are actively promoting what they believe. What about you?
by Philip Bell
Ignaz Semmelweis: Medical pioneer persecuted for telling the truth
19 Feb 2018
Semmelweis correctly diagnosed the cause of childbed fever, only to be ridiculed by the establishment because he contradicted their opinion. Today the establishment reacts similarly to biblical creationists.
by Russell Grigg
Reader claims Jesus approves of his same-sex marriage
17 Feb 2018
But are feelings and experiences the best way to determine Jesus’ view?
by Keaton Halley
Reversible autopoiesis—a foundational design principle for life’s survival
16 Feb 2018
Because cells have the ability to adapt to certain stresses, such as a lack of food, they must have been functioning that way from the start.
by Alex Williams
Time: The Great Enabler
15 Feb 2018
Evolution relies on deep time which in turn relies on naturalism but science tells us the earth is young and so evolution is false.
by Robert Carter
Salty seas
18 Nov 2023
The salinity of the oceans is a strong evidence that they, and the Earth itself, are far younger than the billions of years required for evolution, and is consistent with the biblical age of about 6,000 years.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Two trees, one root: the link between evolutionism and Eastern spirituality
13 Feb 2018
How two philosophies both lead people away from God.
by Tricia Wright
Just what we need
12 Feb 2018
Creation magazine helps us to think biblically about science, geology, evolution, and origins. See this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released issue.
by Tas Walker
Was Jesus an alien?
10 Feb 2018
How can we show the absurdity of the ‘alien Jesus’ idea?
by Shaun Doyle