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Haiti’s horrendous earthquake disaster
21 Jan 2010
Should we help and why
by Gary Bates
Evolutionary naturalism: an ancient idea
11 Dec 2015
Not original to Darwin but the revival of an ancient idea.
by Jerry Bergman
Infections, prions and evolution
19 Jan 2010
News reports about ‘evolution in prions’ has made many wonder—what are these things called prions, that cause e.g. ‘mad cow disease’? And is this really evolution?
by Carl Wieland
Parrot of the night—NZ’s kakapo
18 Jan 2010
The male kakapo’s amorous ‘booming’ can be heard kilometres away. But perhaps not for much longer, as the world’s heaviest parrot is an endangered species.
by Adrian Bates
Can we know the truth?
16 Jan 2010
If we cannot know the truth, as some claim, then Jesus was wrong. Also, experiences must be judged by God’s Word, the Bible.
by Lita Sanders
Former leading atheist argues for the existence of God
15 Jan 2010
See how the most famous atheistic philosopher Antony Flew changed his mind, and now accepts that ‘There is a God’
by Lita Sanders
Tetrapods from Poland trample the Tiktaalik school of evolution
14 Jan 2010
Another evolutionary icon consigned to the scrap heap.
by Tas Walker
Ancon sheep: just another loss mutation
13 Jan 2010
Darwin used them as evidence for evolution but they are just another loss mutation—evidence of Creation and the Fall.
by Jerry Bergman
2012—What’s all the fuss about?
12 Jan 2010
The big picture from most groups seems to be … that 2012 will be the year when drastic changes will occur politically, environmentally, spiritually and scientifically.
by Calvin Smith
Using the Bible to prove the Bible?
11 Jan 2010
Jesus’ words break the circle.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creationists hypocritical?
09 Jan 2010
Answering the caricature that evolution is science but creation is faith.
by Tas Walker
Excellent refutation of ‘new atheists’ flawed by heterodox open theism
08 Jan 2010
Review of The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens by Vox Day; excellent demolition of the ‘New Atheists’.
by Lita Sanders