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Answering uninformed atheists on DNA complexity
28 Feb 2009
Design of the genetic coding machinery, with its inter-related components, thwarts materialistic explanation. Evolution is thus a deduction from materialism not science.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Secular sermons
27 Feb 2009
As expected, this older book from Dawkins is a misotheistic tirade. Not only is it full of errors, it fails to show why his own atheistic faith solves the problems.
by Lael Weinberger
God’s mighty expanse
26 Feb 2009
A creationist physicist looks at the evidence—including some clues from Scripture—about the very fabric of space itself.
by Russ Humphreys
London Times reports that the Bible is not anti-female: is this news?
24 Feb 2009
The Bible is the most female-friendly book around, in contrast to the female inferiority taught by the early Darwinians. What did the purity laws mean?
by Lita Sanders
Creation clock
23 Feb 2009
Here’s a clock that reenacts scenes from Genesis 1–6, on the hour, every hour.
by David Catchpoole
A skeptic falsely accuses creationists of lying about human and ape similarities
21 Feb 2009
An evolutionist accuses creationists of lying, but the accusation proves to be utterly false and instead reflects badly on the accuser.
by Don Batten
The carnivorous nature and suffering of animals
20 Feb 2009
Detailed biblical evidence shows that animals eating, hurting and killing each other is incompatible with the original ’very good’ creation. Therefore carnivory must have begun after the Fall.
by Robert J. M. Gurney
Churches celebrating the ‘Year of Darwin’
19 Feb 2009
It is a shame that so many churches who embrace evolution are blissfully unaware that they are caught up in a web of deceit that has the atheists cheering.
by Gary Bates
Darwin’s slippery slide into unbelief
18 Feb 2009
Drift from a childlike trust into an abyss of hopelessness.
by John M. Brentnall and Russell M. Grigg
What should we think of new or trendy Bible translations?
17 Feb 2009
How far should Bible translators go to accommodate their proposed readers? Some important biblical principles are explained.
by James Patrick Holding
Surtsey still surprises
16 Feb 2009
This island with canyons, rounded boulders and a ‘fully functional ecosystem’ has been described as ‘astonishing’. Why? It’s only 45 years old!
by David Catchpoole
Is baptism necessary for salvation? Is death such a bad thing?
14 Feb 2009
A writer took issue with a recent feedback pointing out a logical fallacy in an argument for baptismal regeneration. Another reader asks if death is really a bad thing.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland