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Flood meteorite bombardment
18 May 2012
What do 4 Vesta and achondritic meteorites tell us about the origin of impactors from the Flood bombardment?
by Carl R. Froede Jr
The mythology surrounding James Hutton and Hadrian’s Wall
17 May 2012
It’s a nice story but it’s not accurate.
by Tas Walker
Time—no friend of evolution
15 May 2012
‘Millions of years’ don’t help—in fact they make it worse.
by David Catchpoole
Creation and Redemption: A Conversation with Albert Mohler
14 May 2012
Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Seminary, explains why biblical creation is vital.
by Lael Weinberger
Can pantheism explain morality? And, the fight-or-flight response and the Fall
13 May 2012
The Bible can explain both.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner
Anisotropy Synchrony Convention
02 Mar 2024
What does CMI think about an alternative solution to the distant starlight problem?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Ötzi the Iceman
11 May 2012
Since his discovery in 1991, Ötzi the Iceman has been an enigma for evolutionary ideas but no problem for the creationist perspective.
by Greg Beasley
The ‘Hong Kong ark’ fiasco
10 May 2012
Looking behind the marketing hype—a summary of the reasons why it is more certain than ever that the claimed ‘find on Ararat’ is a product of modern-day workmanship.
by Carl Wieland
Is God watching?
08 May 2012
The sidelining of Christianity in our evolutionized age leads to a loss of God-consciousness and a rejection of God’s moral law.
by Dominic Statham
Jesus on the age of the earth
16 Feb 2022
Jesus believed in a young world, but leading theistic evolutionists say He is wrong.
by Carl Wieland
‘Acellular’ first life?
06 May 2012
Did the hypothetical ‘first life’ need to be cellular?
by Don Batten
Did CMI use a bad argument against homosexuality?
05 May 2012
If homosexuality was found to have a biological basis, would that make it morally acceptable?
by Don Batten