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World's oldest salt lake only a few thousand years old
16 Aug 2017
Australia’s Lake Eyre does not live up to the age that has been assigned to it.
by Alexander R. Williams
Longest recorded fossil drag mark
14 Aug 2017
A dying ammonite leaves behind a permanent impression which tells a story that needs explaining.
by Philip Robinson
Mutations, and why you shouldn’t marry your cousin
12 Aug 2017
Are creation geneticists wrong about mutation rates? And how distantly related should parents be for genetically healthy offspring?
by Robert Carter
Changing paradigms in stratigraphy—“a quite different way of analyzing the record”
11 Aug 2017
Understanding the earth’s geological record is undergoing a radical rethink.
by John K. Reed
Evolution on other worlds
10 Aug 2017
New Aliens documentary refuting alien life and explaining alien abduction claims.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Still running for God
09 Aug 2017
A woman of faith saw her salvation as a far better reward than any of her gold medals.
by Gary Bates
Fine tuning of ‘backward’ eye is vital for colour vision
07 Aug 2017
Our 'backwardly-wired’ retina is an ideal structure to optimize colour vision.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why did God choose just Israel?
05 Aug 2017
Why didn’t God reveal himself to all of creation as opposed to just Abraham and his descendants?
by Shaun Doyle
Canaanite DNA disproves the Bible?
04 Aug 2017
Fake news on Canaanite DNA ‘contradicting’ the Bible sets the science news media buzzing.
by Shaun Doyle
Dr Charles Bree, the scientist who challenged Charles Darwin’s science
03 Aug 2017
A long forgotten English zoologist and surgeon wrote the first book that set out to disprove evolution.
by Warren Nunn
Helpful animals
02 Aug 2017
When creatures work together to help one other, it defies evolutionary predictions.
by Robert Doolan
Creation at the cutting edge
31 Jul 2017
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Forty years of presenting the true history of world from Genesis and beyond.
by Jonathan Sarfati