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Creation in-depth: Large cratonic basins likely of impact origin
13 Mar 2015
Geological features that scientists struggle to explain likely of impact origin.
by Michael J.Oard
Exploring the God Question 3. Mind and Consciousness, Part 2 (Conversion)
12 Mar 2015
Experience God the biblical way—through conversion, not near-death experiences.
by Russell Grigg
God created with functional maturity, not ‘appearance of age’
23 Dec 2023
Did Adam and Eve have navels, and the first trees have growth rings? Did God create light in transit from stars? What did Philip Gosse really teach?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Mechanical engineer: physics points to God’s glory
09 Mar 2015
Professor Chad Rodekohr sees clear evidence of design in creation. 
by Lita Sanders
What about asexuality?
08 Mar 2015
A correspondent asks about how we view those who claim an asexual orientation.
by Lita Sanders
Three-parent embryos: What should biblical creationists think?
07 Mar 2015
3-parent embryos to cure mitochondrial disease: what are the biblical, moral, scientific, and legal issues?
by CMI staff
Creation in-depth: A developing schism in Flood geology
06 Mar 2015
Can young-earth creationists continue to develop their understanding of Flood geology using two different models?
by Carl R. Froede Jr and A. Jerry Akridge
Follow the leader(s) …
05 Mar 2015
When our pastors compromise on creation, what should we do?
by Carl Wieland
Created to fly!
04 Mar 2015
For thousands of years man has gazed in awe at the magnificent soaring ability of birds. Today we’ve even made our own winged machines. But it was the Creator’s idea first!
by Robert Doolan
STILL linking and feeding
12 Jul 2022
Reaching more people in the Church is critical to spreading the creation message.
by Carl Wieland
Dr Carl Wieland retires after four decades
02 Mar 2015
Tribute to ministry founder Dr Carl Wieland on the eve of his retirement, as CMI enters new phase.
by Gary Bates, Jonathan Sarfati
‘Oldest snake’ fossils found
01 Mar 2015
New snake fossils, the ‘oldest yet’, have surprised evolutionary paleontologists, forcing a retelling of the story of snake evolution, Kipling-style.
by Philip Bell