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More secular confusion about moon’s former magnetic field
08 May 2015
It’s now non-existent and scientists are puzzled about why it had one in the first place.
by D. Russell Humphreys
What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?
07 May 2015
The Bible's positive teaching about marriage is the strongest condemnation of homosexuality
by Lita Sanders
Newton’s book: A scientific masterpiece
06 May 2015
More than three centuries after it was published, Sir Isaac Newton’s book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica stands out as a masterpiece.
by Unknown
Brontosaurus is back!
05 May 2015
Brontosaurus, arguably the most famous long-necked long-tailed dinosaur, has long been considered a mistake—but some scientists want to resurrect it!
by Phil Robinson
Chimps ‘natural killers’ after all
29 Dec 2021
As evolutionists ponder the propensity of chimps to kill other chimps, they are not rushing to the conclusion that this explains why humans kill humans.
by Carl Wieland
Answering agnostic arguments
02 May 2015
Could you answer this agnostic’s arguments against Christianity and creation?
by Lita Sanders
Why consensus science is anti-science
01 May 2015
How consensus science, rather than furthering scientific progress, often impedes scientific advancement.
by Jerry Bergman
Human tails?
30 Apr 2015
‘Atavistic tails’ and evolution: are some people born with a throwback to a tailed monkey ancestor?
by Calvin Smith, Carl Wieland
The world of bats
29 Apr 2015
Bats are such unique creatures that their existence in the fossil record causes immense problems for evolutionary explanations of their supposed development.
by Brian W. Grantham-Hill
The Machine
28 Apr 2015
The discovery of a super-complex machine has the world’s best scientific minds scrambling for answers.
by Michael G Matthews
Concealed under Carlisle Cathedral’s carpet: dinosaurs!
27 Apr 2015
Hidden away under a carpet in Carlisle Cathedral is fascinating evidence that dinosaurs roamed northern England in recent centuries.
by Mark Harwood
Dinosaurs, desserts and ‘doggy bags’!
25 Apr 2015
Creative family uses Creation materials for child’s dinosaur-themed birthday party.
by Tersia and Andre Voskuil