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Understanding the Hebrew Bible: ‘season’ and ‘pi’
19 Nov 2011
This week’s feedback addresses questions of the proper understanding and defence of the Old Testament. CMI’s Dr Jonathan Sarfati responds.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Cell systems—what’s really under the hood continues to drop jaws
18 Nov 2011
What’s really under the hood continues to drop jaws
by Brian Thomas
Refuting compromising critic of CMI seminar
17 Nov 2011
Compromising theistic evolutionary biology lecturer attacks CMI speakers in a fact-free character assassination. We show why the Bible should be our final authority, including its corollary, ‘young-earth’ creation.
by Gary Bates, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Counting the stars
09 Mar 2024
How many stars are there? The Bible got it right!
by Werner Gitt
The Moon’s former magnetic field
15 Nov 2011
Still a huge problem for evolutionists, but not for creationists
by Russell Humphreys
Biblical history and the role of science
14 Nov 2011
Science can help elucidate Scripture, including model-building to aid understanding. But these models must be held loosely, never given the same authority as God-breathed Scripture.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Age of the Sun
13 Nov 2011
Does the current ratio of helium to hydrogen in the sun prove it is billions of years old?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Curiosity: Did God create the universe?
12 Nov 2011
Is Stephen Hawking right in claiming a universe could create itself?
by Russell Grigg
320-million-year-old amber has flowering plant chemistry
11 Mar 2016
Why evolutionists try to explain such chemistry wouldn’t exist until over 100 million years later.
by Michael J Oard
A miracle by any other name would be … called science?
10 Nov 2011
Taking their own medicine. Atheists sometimes criticize Christians as irrational for believing in miracles. Can their worldview withstand the same examination?
by Calvin Smith
A brief history of design
09 Nov 2011
From ancient times to today the signs of a Creator are clearly evident.
by Russell Grigg
Who wrote Isaiah?
08 Nov 2011
Isaiah contains accurate predictions about the future, including the coming Messiah. So liberals have desperately attacked its authenticity.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner