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Bring on the hecklers?
24 Jul 2010
Don’t be too distressed if hecklers try to disrupt your efforts at creation evangelism. They might be doing some unintended good.
by Don Batten and Carl Wieland
God-centred or man-centred?
23 Jul 2010
A review of Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach by William Vern Poythress
by Mark Murata
When does the unborn baby feel pain?
22 Jul 2010
Pro-aborts are crowing about studies alleging that the unborn baby feels no pain. But not only are these claims highly debatable, they ignore the real issue.
by Lita Sanders
Reading between the lines
13 Mar 2013
If you read evolutionary articles carefully, they often unintentionally ‘give the game away’.
by Don Batten
Long-age geology or Genesis?
20 Jul 2010
Compromising geologists in the Presbyterian Church of America urge Christians to trust them about the age of the Earth and re-interpret Scripture accordingly.
by John Reed
Born to communicate
06 Jun 2018
Amazingly, deaf children stranded by themselves develop their own complete sign language. 
by Kevin May
Is it ‘unjust’ that the whole creation should suffer because of Adam’s sin?
17 Jul 2010
One reader queries CMI’s logic re ET and the Curse; another queries our use of the term ‘long-age Christian’.
by Gary Bates and Don Batten
Many arches and natural bridges likely from the Flood
23 Dec 2016
The origin of these spectacular landforms is an enigma for long-age geology.
by Michael J. Oard
Earliest multicellular life 1.5 billion years earlier than thought
15 Jul 2010
A fossil find from Gabon, Africa, has re-written the evolutionary origins story
by Shaun Doyle
Dinosaurs and dragons: stamping on the legends
07 Sep 2016
Dragon stories from all over the world are evidence that dinosaurs have been seen by humans throughout time.
by Russell Grigg
Planck sees the big bang?
13 Jul 2010
Like COBE and WMAP before it, researchers claim Planck sees the famed cosmic microwave background radiation that allegedly proves the big bang. But do we know what it’s seeing?
by John Hartnett
A lesson from Pluto
09 Jun 2021
Going, going, gone! Lessons from a disappearing planet.
by Tas Walker