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Answering a reasonable atheist on deep philosophical questions
30 Sep 2012
Atheist argues that meaning and morality are possible without God.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Is brother-sister intermarriage intrinsically immoral?
29 Sep 2012
Does Leviticus 18 imply that brother-sister intermarriage was always wrong?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The chromosome 2 fusion model of human evolution—part 2: re-analysis of the genomic data
28 Sep 2012
Part 2: re-analysis of the genomic data
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Jerry Bergman
‘Sexual perversion is good for you’, claims BBC
27 Sep 2012
According to the BBC, sexual perversion improves relationships.
by Dominic Statham
Did Jesus have a wife?
07 Jul 2016
Is a new Coptic fragment evidence that some early Christians thought Jesus was married?
by Lita Sanders
In pursuit of plant power
25 Sep 2012
There’s a long way to go yet, if we are to ever copy photosynthesis.
by David Catchpoole
Life is in the blood
24 Sep 2012
Blood is the transport system of the body that keeps everything alive and connected.
by Andrew Hodge
Trinity: analogies and countering critics
10 Aug 2023
Answering questions about the Trinity: does God have parts, good vs. fallacious analogies, the Holy Spirit’s personality, the early Church’s recognition of the Trinity, what ‘God is one’ means.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Can evolution and religion co-exist?
22 Sep 2012
It depends on the religion!
by David Catchpoole
The chromosome 2 fusion model of human evolution—part 1: re-evaluating the evidence
21 Sep 2012
Part 1: re-evaluating the evidence
by Jerry Bergman, Jeffrey Tomkins
Don’t ignore the main weapon!
20 Sep 2012
Social, moral, political and economic problems abound, but rather than merely ‘holding the fort’, Christians should be advancing—which means engaging where the battle is raging.
by Geoff Chapman
How to build a bomb in the public school system
19 Sep 2012
The 1999 Columbine massacre prompted people to ask, ‘How could they do this?’ How indeed …
by David Catchpoole