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Comparing chromosomes and genomes
24 Jun 2011
Towards a better understanding of the types of genomic changes that have occurred throughout history in the creation model
by Jean K Lightner
‘Useful idiot’—who, me?
23 Jun 2011
One correspondent took umbrage at the term ‘useful idiot’ to describe theistic evolutionists in a CMI article. Is the adage, ‘If the shoe fits, wear it’ justified?
by P Bell and J Sarfati
Dating in conflict
14 Jun 2017
Analysis of wood samples from Tertiary rocks yielded significant carbon-14 indicating the wood was only thousands of years old, not millions.
by Hansruedi Stutz
Soldiers and scoffers
21 Jun 2011
CMI helps believers in the war of ideas where they are and stands as a public challenge to scoffers at the Bible.
by Don Batten, Tas Walker
Nuclear physicist embraces biblical creation
20 Jun 2011
What made a Ph.D. nuclear physicist accept biblical creation? See how carbon-14 dating supports a ‘young’ earth! Jim is one of the presenters at our Creation Super Conference in Canada (August 2011).
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
‘Missing mass’ of the big bang found?
18 Jun 2011
Do recent reports of ‘missing matter’ being found have anything to do with the elusive ‘dark matter’? Plus: how to handle atheopathic pressure on the Internet.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Box Canyon, Idaho
17 Jun 2011
Megaflood origins and implications for sapping erosion
by Michael J Oard
Ancient Near Eastern cosmogonies
16 Jun 2011
Do they prove Genesis 1 should not be interpreted as reliable history? Plus a comment on the Hebrew word bara and heretical ideas by Dutch scholar Ellen van Wolde.
by Carl Wieland, Dominic Statham
ISCAST, CASE and New College
14 Jun 2011
It’s time to return to the Word of God!
by Dr Tas Walker
The treasures of the snow
13 Jun 2011
Why do snow crystals form such symmetrical shapes? How is this different from DNA and protein organization?
by Martin Tampier
What a relief …
11 Jun 2011
A supporter testifies to the damage of long-age thinking to Christian faith; plus, the meaning of ‘devolve’, and more.
by Carl Wieland, Jonathan Sarfati
Discovery Channel program: How the Universe Works
08 Dec 2012
It promotes a worldview involving the big bang, but how truly scientific is it?
by Russell Grigg