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Could God inspire error?
29 Sep 2020
A reader asks: Could God inspire error? And: do people continue to sin in Hell?
by Lita Sanders
The holiness of God and three great events in history
28 Sep 2020
God’s holiness, as seen at the Fall, at the Crucifixion, and at the last great Judgment.
by Russell Grigg
Carbon 14—still drawing a blank
26 Sep 2020
A CMI supporter writes in with a comment about the assumptions made behind the method of carbon 14 dating.
by Gavin Cox
New evidence for rapid Ice Age deposition on the Greenland Ice Sheet
25 Sep 2020
New evidence the sheet is younger than previously thought
by Michael Oard
Climate change and LGBT issues. What’s the Creation connection?
24 Sep 2020
How does biblical creation allow us to
by Gary Bates
The life and times of Wave Rock, Hyden, Western Australia
22 Sep 2020
How Noah’s Flood formed this fascinating feature.
by Tas Walker
A passion for the poor
21 Sep 2020
Ministering to the poor with biblical creation
by Margaret Wieland
Designed atmospheres?
19 Sep 2020
How does Earth’s atmosphere compare to those of other planets and what bearing does this question have for the creation versus evolution question?
by Philip Bell
The green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii find safety in numbers by design
18 Sep 2020
How the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii demonstrates multicellularity is a design feature.
by Matthew Cserhati
CMI is a youth-oriented ministry!
17 Sep 2020
CMI is a ministry for youth, not just for technical specialists.
by Paul Price
Biblical creation gives us the answer to modern insanity
15 Sep 2020
How does a biblical worldview help us to respond to climate change and LGBT arguments?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Spiders and ants inspire an unsinkable metal structure
14 Sep 2020
Bug benefiting boat design
by Philip Robinson