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Gene duplication, protein evolution, and the origin of shrew venom
16 Oct 2015
Darwinists hold up gene duplication as evidence for ‘goo-to-you’ evolutionary change but the reality is much different.
by Dr Jean Lightner
David Attenborough: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
08 May 2018
David Attenborough fails in his attempt to refute the Genesis account of creation with his account of the Darwinian tree of life.
by Russell Grigg
Earth’s unique topography
14 Oct 2015
Why Mt Everest, the Grand Canyon and multiple other significant geological features mark Earth as a special planet.
by Andrew Snelling and David Malcolm
Not Finding Noah
13 Oct 2015
The film Finding Noah turned up no evidence that the Ark is still on Ararat, just as CMI has taught for decades.
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
Making sense of ‘apeman’ claims
12 Oct 2015
How do we explain ‘apeman’ fossils from a biblical perspective?
by Carl Wieland
Can science contradict the Bible?
10 Oct 2015
Do we claim to have an answer to every objection to biblical creation?
by Shaun Doyle
Further evidence of only one large Lake Missoula flood
09 Oct 2015
The Lake Missoula flood can’t be tamed by spreading it over long periods of time.
by Michael Oard
Dark energy and the elusive chameleon—more darkness from the dark side
08 Oct 2015
Along with fudge factors, such as Dark Matter used to explain the big bang, the chameleon particle has been introduced even though there’s no evidence it exists.
by John Hartnett
Can a cow become a hog?
07 Oct 2015
The way in which a cow turns sunshine, water and grass into milk defies evolutionary explanations.
by Tauna Powell
Eve: A Review
06 Oct 2015
This best-seller badly misinterprets creation.
by Lita Sanders
Archer fish use advanced hydrodynamics
04 Oct 2023
Archer fish exploits two independent hydrodynamic properties to shoot down prey with powerful water jet.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does the New Testament claim to be God’s Word?
11 Feb 2023
A critic asserts that no passage in the New Testament purports to be inspired by God. Is that true?
by Keaton Halley