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Raindrop imprints and the pre-Flood/Flood boundary
10 Apr 2015
Do raindrop imprints help identify the pre-Flood/Flood boundary?
by Michael J. Oard
Does it matter?
09 Apr 2015
A child’s question about the origin of mankind and AIDS reveals the importance of providing biblical answers.
by Marc Ambler
Death—and victory
07 Apr 2015
Only a biblical view of creation gives us the answer to how God could allow death—and what He is going to do about it.
by Carl Wieland
Genesis authenticated in clay
06 Apr 2015
Ancient clay tablets confirm Genesis to be the true account of human history.
by Dominic Statham
Does the Bible condone torture?
04 Apr 2015
by Lita Sanders
Geochronology: Understanding the Uncertainties
02 Apr 2015
Response to Reasonable Faith lecture shows radiometric dating is not as objective as claimed to be.
by Jim Mason
Why is Dark Matter everywhere in the cosmos?
31 Mar 2015
Despite no verifiable evidence in support of dark matter, its existence is being presented to the public as established fact.
by John Hartnett
Hebrew professor: Genesis teaches six solar days!
30 Mar 2015
Hebrew scholar explains why Genesis 1 teaches solar days and a young earth, and why it matters.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The force of probability arguments
29 Mar 2015
Essential to understand chemical evolution, and all other processes we take for granted.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does creation damage Christianity’s credibility?
28 Mar 2015
Do compromising interpretations of Genesis help apologetics?
by Lita Sanders
Incomplete lineage sorting and other ‘rogue’ data fell the tree of life
27 Mar 2015
The evolutionary tree of life popularized by Charles Darwin has been shaken to its roots by the molecular genetics revolution.
by Jeffrey Tomkins and Jerry Bergman
Defending the Bible?
26 Mar 2015
Can one defend Scripture while denying essential parts of its message?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner