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Apemen and ‘freak shows’
08 Jun 2012
The exploitation of deformed humans for the cause of Darwin’s apemen
by Jerry Bergman
Time to think
07 Jun 2012
Maybe young-earth creationists should sometimes just ‘shut up’? …
by David Catchpoole
Physicists: The universe had a beginning
05 Jun 2012
Evolutionists can’t escape this problem: How do you get a universe, complete with the laws of physics, out of nothing?
by David Catchpoole
Full-size Noah’s Ark in Hong Kong!
10 Aug 2016
A spectacular full scale Ark, right next to the highway of one of the world’s busiest airports.
by Carl Wieland
‘No death before the Fall’?
03 Jun 2012
The importance of the distinction of nephesh chayyah life.
by Lita Sanders
Dealing with claims of Bible ‘contradiction’
01 Feb 2024
Skeptics come up with Bible contradiction claims all the time—from the superficially plausible to the supremely preposterous. How do we deal with them? Also, does the Bible say pi = 3, and what does it mean by “God is light”?
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The portrayal of creationists by their evolutionist detractors
26 Feb 2016
Where they are not ignored, creationists are invariably disparaged and misrepresented.
by Philip Bell
A candid admission
31 May 2012
The real issue behind the creation/evolution battle over origins.
by David Catchpoole
30 May 2012
The evolutionist who was anti-God and anti-Darwin
by Russell Grigg
The evolutionary parade of ‘missing links’
29 May 2012
The floats keep changing!
by Carl Wieland
Evidences for a young earth and universe
28 May 2012
‘Billions of years’ is accepted without question but there is lots of evidence that the earth and universe are much, much younger.
by Don Batten
Islam, testimony, and the Trinity
27 May 2012
Refuting Islamic criticisms of the Trinity, and the difference between Islamic and Christian conversion testimonies.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati