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World by Design Tour dismantled my big bang
02 Sep 2008
Answered doubts about Scripture that were first raised in my mind at seminary.
by Yohanna Puric
Performing surgery upon evolutionary thinking
01 Sep 2008
Jonathan Sarfati interviews pediatric surgeon Dr Ross Pettigrew (from New Zealand), who explains the fine design of the human body, and why evolution matches neither science nor Scripture.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Laminin, Atlas moths, and ‘gay’ brains
30 Aug 2008
Is there really a protein shaped like Jesus? cross? Are there really moths that look like snakes? And are some people really born with ?gay? brains?
by Andrew Lamb
Not too old to be Expelled
29 Aug 2008
Our God-ordained right of free thought and speech is under systematic and increasing attack
by D. Russell Humphreys
Secularizing America
28 Aug 2008
Christian Smith’s The Secular Revolution challenges cherished sociological theories and exposes the anti-Christian power struggle in the West.
by Lael Weinberger
Are you dancing to your DNA?
27 Aug 2008
Why do atheists like Richard Dawkins bother trying to convert people to atheism if everything we believe is fated by the movement of atoms anyway?
by Winston Vanderput
Mercury’s magnetic field is young!
26 Aug 2008
Messenger space probe reports from Mercury confirm biblical models of formation of planetary magnetic fields.
by D. Russell Humphreys
Surveillance solution: mimicking a bug’s eye view
25 Aug 2008
Inspired by insect vision: new camera technology that can pick up detail in light and dark at the same time.
by David Catchpoole
God, the universe, tolerance and suffering—Big issues, big questions from a curious seeker
27 Aug 2022
A World By Design conference attendee submits six questions, on existential type issues of the sort most people ponder at some point in their lives.
by Andrew Lamb
How landscapes reveal Noah’s Flood
22 Aug 2008
Visualizing the erosive effect of receding floodwaters
by Tas Walker
Christianity as progress
21 Aug 2008
A review of The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Let to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success by Rodney Stark
by Lael Weinberger
What’s in a pronoun? The divine gender controversy
20 Aug 2008
A number of respondents to a UK survey disagreed with a ‘male God’. But what does the Bible teach, and what does it mean for people of both sexes?
by Lita Sanders