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Debunks many science-related historical myths that demean the Christian faith
18 Dec 2020
Debunks many science-related historical myths that demean the Christian faith
by John Woodmorappe
Does the Bible compel an old-earth interpretation?
17 Dec 2020
Is the Bible so clearly an old-earth book that a young-earth reading is absurd?
by Shaun Doyle
Trees: God’s creative power on display
16 Dec 2020
God’s creative power on display
by Joseph Havell
World upside down
15 Dec 2020
In increasingly unsettled times, we have the answer!
by Gary Bates
Dark matter search comes up empty
14 Dec 2020
Despite the latest failure to detect dark matter, why do they continue searching?
by John Hartnett
Massive flood impacted Caspian Sea and Eurasia
12 Dec 2020
How to link the evidence to Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
Rigid uniformitarianism and a hysterical fear of the scientific creationist bogeyman
11 Dec 2020
Rigid uniformitarianism and a hysterical fear of the scientific creationist bogeyman.
by John Woodmorappe
Will the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) find extra-terrestrial life?
27 Apr 2024
The James Webb space telescope will be able to examine the atmospheres of exoplanets in greater clarity than ever before. Will we find a truly habitable exoplanet?
by Joshua Howells
Egyptian chronology confusion
08 Dec 2020
Christian researchers understand the need for a revision of the standard Egyptian chronology. If Christians are working from the same premise though, why are there such huge differences of opinion?
by Gary Bates
Spider eyes shining in the rocks
07 Dec 2020
These bright-eyed, perfectly-preserved fossils provide compelling evidence for the global Flood recorded in the Bible
by Jonathan O’Brien
The deficiency of ‘red letter’ Christianity
05 Dec 2020
A reader asks: Are only the ‘red letters’ inspired? We respond!
by Lita Sanders
A book about human errors that don’t exist
04 Dec 2020
A book about human errors that don’t exist.
by Jerry Bergman