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The remarkable Captain Robert FitzRoy
17 Apr 2019
The man in charge of the Beagle was known for his Christian character as well as his great skill as a mariner.
by Nicos Kaloyirou
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has resolved the event horizon of a supermassive black hole
16 Apr 2019
How do black holes relate to biblical creation?
by John Hartnett
Are there dragons in the British Museum?
15 Apr 2019
When some early fossil hunters unearthed the bones of creatures, they recognised them as more than mythical animals.
by Amelia Hunter
Precambrian geology and the Flood
13 Apr 2019
Where do the lowest rocks in the rock record fit in the biblical timeframe?
by Shaun Doyle
Faltering between two opinions: the epistemological conundrum of old-earth creationism
12 Apr 2019
Missing why the age of the earth matters.
by Nick Sabato
Dystopian science
11 Apr 2019
In a post-apocalyptic scenario, would science be re-discovered?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Unplanned: the story of an abortion worker turned pro-life activist
10 Apr 2019
"Unplanned" gives the viewer a front-row seat to the horrors of abortion.
by Lita Sanders
Is Christianity unbelievable?
01 Jul 2023
When Christian radio host goes head-to-head with many leading atheists and critics of Christianity, does it leave his faith intact? You be the judge.
by Thomas Fretwell
Diatoms: artistry in miniature
08 Apr 2019
Tiny diatom frustules reveal God’s beautiful design
by Jonathan O’Brien
An explanation for Apsley Falls, Australia
06 Apr 2019
How published geological reports help develop a biblical interpretation.
by Tas Walker
Neutral Model, genetic drift and the Third Way—a synopsis of the self-inflicted demise of the evolutionary paradigm
05 Apr 2019
Neo-Darwinism, Neutral evolution, and the 'Extended Evolutionary Synthesis' cannot avoid the multilayered complexity of the genome and cell.
by Jeffrey P Tomkins and Jerry Bergman
Dystopian science
04 Apr 2019
How do we know what we know? What is the role of authority?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter