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Biologically inspired designs: Testament to evolution?
12 Sep 2006
Nothing is left to chance in this new field of science as researchers identify superior designs in biology and purposely copy them.
by Judah Etinger
Abortion argument unravels
11 Sep 2006
How the unborn child defends itself against its mother, confirming that he/she is a separate human being from the start.
by Alexander Williams
Has ‘dark matter’ really been proven?
08 Sep 2006
Caution urged about so-called empirical proof from the Bullet-cluster observations. Indeed, ‘dark matter’ is really a fancy name for a fudge factor, and proper physics eliminates the need for it.
by John Hartnett
The stingray of death
06 Sep 2006
In the aftermath of Steve Irwin’s death, many question the brevity of his life.
by David Catchpoole
The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui
05 Sep 2006
The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui: Is it the oldest man-made Genesis artefact?
Miracles and science
15 Jul 2023
A reader questions the rationality of believing in miracles. However, the response points out that the argument commits a logical fallacy, and that sceptical attacks commit circular reasoning.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Ripples’ of galaxies—another blow to the big bang
31 Aug 2006
A cluster pattern discovered in the organization of galaxies does not support the secular story for the naturalistic origin of the universe.
by Jason Lisle
Eugenics … death of the defenceless
25 Feb 2009
Eugenics … death of the defenceless. The legacy of Darwin’s cousin Galton
by Russell Grigg
Unravelling the knotty khipu code
11 Mar 2015
Who would have ever thought of storing information on segments of threaded strands according to a certain code? The Incas did—and they weren’t the first.
by David Catchpoole
Response to ‘gay marriage’ article objections; CMI shows questioner that Christian faith is logical
19 Aug 2006
A gay man took issue about an article on ‘gay marriage’; the response explains the biblical teaching and refutes pseudo-Christian objections. In the second feedback, a then-new Christian (now a guest writer for CMI) explains how logical answers from CMI were instrumental to her conversion.
World record enzymes
17 Aug 2006
Without special enzymes, vital reactions of life would take as long as trillions of years. Their origin is a mystery even to evolutionists.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Tigers and pigs … together?
03 Jun 2015
Extraordinary scenes from Sriracha Zoo in Thailand.
by David Catchpoole