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Confronted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics
24 Aug 2017
How one man’s encounter with creation evangelism caused him to re-think his understanding of the world and led him to faith in Jesus Christ.
by Warren Nunn
Moths navigating by the stars?
23 Aug 2017
There are many unsolved mysteries surrounding migratory instincts.
by Unknown
Euthanasia for disabled babies?
22 Aug 2017
According to evolutionary biologist Professor Jerry Coyne, severely disabled babies should be killed.
by Dominic Statham
Rats, bats and pitcher plants
21 Aug 2017
A plant with an attractive lure draws in creatures that help them both thrive and survive.
by Brian Thomas
Total eclipse of the brain
19 Aug 2017
Don’t fall for flat-earth brainwashing
by Robert Carter
Google’s censorship will affect us all
18 Aug 2017
The world's most-used search engine is monkeying with the search results!
by Paul Price
Breaking the shackles of evolutionary propaganda
17 Aug 2017
From the dying embers of faith, via atheism and evolutionary compromise, to a rock solid confidence in biblical creation and Scripture—one man’s fascinating journey.
by Nathan van Ree
World's oldest salt lake only a few thousand years old
16 Aug 2017
Australia’s Lake Eyre does not live up to the age that has been assigned to it.
by Alexander R. Williams
Longest recorded fossil drag mark
14 Aug 2017
A dying ammonite leaves behind a permanent impression which tells a story that needs explaining.
by Philip Robinson
Mutations, and why you shouldn’t marry your cousin
12 Aug 2017
Are creation geneticists wrong about mutation rates? And how distantly related should parents be for genetically healthy offspring?
by Robert Carter
Changing paradigms in stratigraphy—“a quite different way of analyzing the record”
11 Aug 2017
Understanding the earth’s geological record is undergoing a radical rethink.
by John K. Reed
Evolution on other worlds
10 Aug 2017
New Aliens documentary refuting alien life and explaining alien abduction claims.
by Jonathan Sarfati