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Dawkins and Eugenics
01 Dec 2006
Prominent Darwinist and anti-Christian, Professor Richard Dawkins, says he hates to be agreeing with Hitler on the point, but applying eugenics to breeding humans is a pretty good idea after all.
by Carl Wieland
‘Not to Be Used Again’:
29 Nov 2006
In the biblical world, people would have regarded use of common designs as honorable, and demonstrating mastery over creation.
by James Patrick Holding (USA), guest writer
The Stone ‘Age’—a figment of the imagination?
21 Sep 2016
Claims that there was such a time as the Stone Age are not supported by the evidence.
by Robert Niemand
Bone building: perfect protein
16 Nov 2006
For bones to deposit the hard calcium mineral in the right place, they need the protein osteocalcin. Recent discovery of its crystal structure shows that it binds calcium in exactly the right geometry for proper crystal growth.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Haggard tragedy
09 Nov 2006
When a vocal defender of the Bible’s authority, even one who attacks evolution, is morally disgraced in the public eye, what does that say about the link between evolution and morality?
by Carl Wieland
Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system
07 Nov 2006
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Andrew Rigg
Jonah in a megalodon?
01 Oct 2022
Was it a whale that swallowed Jonah? If not, then what? Schoolboy counters common skeptic objection.
by Andrew Lamb
Quebec Quells Creation
03 Nov 2006
But they do, and their students are better informed than those in government schools where any criticism of evolution is censored.
by By Emil Silvestru and Richard Fangrad
Mutations, selection and the quest for meatier livestock
02 Nov 2006
One place where mutations and natural selection can be tested and studied is the livestock industry.
by Jean K. Lightner
Were penguins specifically designed for freezing cold environments?
06 Aug 2022
This week we feature a friendly query about penguin design.
by Andrew Lamb
Western culture and the age of the earth
07 Jul 2017
The earth’s age is crucial for the Christian worldview, but the ‘dating game’ is not objective science. Biography of Arthur Holmes, one of the major players in the game, shows it’s subjective, arbitrary and erratic.
by Tas Walker
Superstition vs Christianity
24 Oct 2006
This item is a ‘sneak preview’ from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten