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Angst over archaeology
05 Oct 2013
When archaeologists make discoveries endorsing the Bible’s history, the astonishment, angst and even anger from some quarters can be very great indeed.
by David Catchpoole
Creation in-depth: Elasmosaurus? No, you goose …
04 Oct 2013
Is a dinosaur depicted in this ancient Egyptian hieroglyph?
by Carl Wieland
Echolocation ‘evolved in the same way’
03 Oct 2013
To explain echolocation without a designer, evolutionists now claim ‘200 genes had independently changed in the same way.’ This extensive homoplasy / ‘convergence’ undermines homology claims in building evolutionary trees.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Reza Aslan’s Zealot, a second-rate rehashing of discredited theories
01 Oct 2013
Was Jesus a revolutionary political leader?
by Lita Sanders
The way of the woodpecker
30 Sep 2013
Engineers wonder at the woodpecker’s resilience to head-banging—and copy it.
by David Catchpoole
Communicating truth with grace
29 Sep 2013
The best way to communicate truth is with ‘gentleness and respect’.
by Lita Sanders
How did the elephant get its trunk?
28 Sep 2013
Something that supposedly arose by evolutionary accidents has provided engineers with ‘startling’ design insights.
by David Catchpoole
Creation in-depth: Haeckel’s embryos
27 Sep 2013
Despite one historian’s attempt to rehabilitate Haeckel, it turns out his fraud was worse than originally thought.
by E. van Niekerk
How did western society change so much in so little time?
26 Sep 2013
The ‘Christian fish’ symbolizes the worldview that dominated western culture. Why has it been replaced by a fish with legs?
by Calvin Smith
A giant cause
25 Sep 2013
The Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland: colossal volcanic eruptions during Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
The Grasshopper Geologist
24 Sep 2013
Why would a children’s book featuring a curious grasshopper be such a hit?
by Scott Gillis
No evidence of evolution and ‘deep time’
23 Sep 2013
Creatures in different parts of the world show remarkable similarities despite, according to evolution theory, being separated for the same timespan over which humans evolved from ape-like ancestors.
by Dominic Statham