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Two-tone twins
17 Mar 2008
Twins with different skin tones disprove evolutionary ideas of ‘race’ and support the Bible’s record of human history.
Horseshoe crabs invented themselves?
14 Mar 2008
The latest discovery of a horseshoe crab fossil has evolutionists raving.
by David Catchpoole
Evenings and mornings
13 Mar 2008
How can there be evenings and mornings in Genesis 1 before the creation of the sun on Day 4?
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Bird behaviour beliefs overturned
12 Mar 2008
How a hummingbird’s tail and a flock of flying starlings show us that there is more to birds than meets the eye.
by Philip Bell
Who’s inheriting the wind now?
10 Jun 2015
A bitter harvest from the Darwinian propaganda film about the Scopes trial (1925–2005). Darwinian advocates have failed to predict the bad consequences of teaching evolution as truth
by David Demick
C4 photosynthesis—evolution or design?
06 Mar 2008
Life depends on photosynthesis, but there’s more than one way to do it …
by Don Batten
Vanishing coastlines
03 Mar 2008
Coastal erosion turns dream home into a nightmare—and demonstrates the earth is young.
by Tas Walker
Youngest and brightest galaxy … or is it?
29 Feb 2008
Artistry and the big bang story take over where the data leaves off
by John Hartnett
Speech, music—and Neandertals
19 Mar 2024
Humans turn out to have a remarkable ability that is not needed for survival. But it is useful in praising the Creator …
by Carl Wieland
Clever crustaceans
26 Feb 2008
According to the standard evolutionary ‘progression’, crabs and lobsters are way down in the intelligence stakes. But fishermen can recognize when they’ve been ‘outsmarted’ by these creatures with ‘no brain’.
by David Catchpoole
The ultimate machine
19 Apr 2023
PhD anatomist David Kauffman points out that the human body is ‘ultra superior’ to anything that people have been able to invent.
by Carl Wieland interviews human anatomist Dr David Kaufmann
Evidence of Noah’s Flood from Mexico
22 Feb 2008
Dinosaur dig reveals dramatic insights into the degree of devastation, not so long ago
by Tas Walker