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Loess problems
30 Jan 2009
Loess, generally considered to be wind-blown silt, has caused a number of problems for uniformitarianism.
by Michael J. Oard
Newsweek’s Gay Apparel: Lisa Miller’s Travesty of Exegesis
29 Jan 2009
Refutation of the mainstream media’s incompetent eisegesis that tries to deny that the Bible’s clear teaching that marriage = one man + one woman.
by James Patrick Holding
Great creation scientist: Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)
28 Jan 2009
While many have heard of outstanding scientist Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) and his legacy, not everyone is aware that he was a committed Christian.
by Ann Lamont
‘Backwards’ comet perplexes scientists
27 Jan 2009
The recent discovery of a comet dubbed ‘Dracula’ has left evolutionary scientists scratching their heads as to its origins.
by David Catchpoole
Hippo habits
26 Jan 2009
Hippos are a weird and wonderful unique created kind.
by Jeffrey Dykes
Hypocritical hostility towards Christians, and explaining hereditary defects
24 Jan 2009
How should Christians react to increasing worldly hostility? And what exactly are hereditary diseases?
by Don Batten, Carl Wieland
Life’s irreducible structure—Part 1: autopoiesis
08 Jan 2016
‘Autopoiesis’ (self-making) shows that all aspects of life lie beyond naturalistic explanations.
by Alex Williams
Creation among the crowds
22 Jan 2009
An experienced open-air evangelist shares from experience about the tragic fallacy of claiming that evolution and the age of the world are ‘side issues’ to the Gospel.
by Andy Banton
The 2009 Darwin celebrations
21 Jan 2009
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Skippy surprises scientists
20 Jan 2009
Kangaroos are not supposed to be our close evolutionary relatives. But a recent genetic analysis shows ’roo genes are ‘largely the same’ as in people.
by Carl Wieland
‘Window plants’ let the light shine in
19 Jan 2009
What lessons can we learn from looking at desert window plants?
by David Catchpoole
How can distant starlight reach us in just 6,000 years?
16 Mar 2024
Creationists have more in their armoury now to deal with that question than ever before—while the problems for long-age evolutionists just get worse.
by Mark Harwood