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A Civic Biology and eugenics
23 Sep 2009
How did the school text book that was the subject of the Scopes trial impact eugenics—the ‘scientific’ breeding of human beings?
by Grant Williams
Evolutionist: it’s OK to deceive students to believe evolution
24 Sep 2008
An evolutionist justifies teaching students inaccuracies and overt falsehoods.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Reiss resigns as Royal Society stifles debate on evolution
23 Sep 2008
Even if you’re an evolutionist believer, if you show the slightest concession to the creationist ‘enemy’, it seems you’re out, too!
by Andrew Halloway
Angkor saw a stegosaur?
22 Sep 2008
A stone carving of a dinosaur at the ancient ruins of Angkor raises the question: how could anyone living 800 years ago have known what a dino looked like?
by David Catchpoole
Church of England apologises to Darwin
23 Nov 2023
Anglican leaders’ appeasement of evolutionary theory in 2008, just before Darwin’s bicentennial, was as futile as Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler, 70 years previously.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Crisis in cosmology continues with conference of big-bang dissidents
19 Sep 2008
CMI speaker and respected physics professor John Hartnett, who represented his university, gives his impressions.
by John Hartnett
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines
18 Sep 2008
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year overturns claims of great age.
by Mark Matthews
Faith-based attacks on religious schools
17 Sep 2008
Atheists profess tolerance but display rank intolerance when it comes to schools that refuse to toe the materialistic party line.
by Lita Sanders
Taking a crack at the Neandertal mitochondrial genome
16 Sep 2008
A full-length stretch of DNA from a Neandertal mitochondrion has been sequenced. Some are using it to allege that it came from a different species to modern humans. But is that deduction justified?
by Robert Carter
Dino dung overturns objection
15 Sep 2008
Sceptics love to challenge Christians about Noah’s Flood. Here’s how a piece of (fossilized) dung ruins their ‘argument’.
by Tas Walker
Christianity, Islam and science: Was modern science birthed by Islam?
13 Sep 2008
Was the scientific method being practiced in Islamic lands centuries before modern science became established in Medieval Christian Europe?
by Andrew Lamb
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): will a black hole swallow us?
12 Sep 2008
Media hype had some people thinking the world would end. CMI’s Dr Russell Humphreys, formerly a physicist with the prestigious Sandia National Laboratories, makes an informed comment.
by Russell Humphreys