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Variable radioactive decay rates and the changes in solar activity
05 Dec 2014
The effects of solar activity are causing some scientists to question whether radioactive decay rates are constant.
by Andrew Sibley
Responding to atheistic opposition
04 Dec 2014
Responding to underhanded tactics to silence the creation message
by Don Batten
The evolution of a monster!
03 Dec 2014
Adolf Hitler embraced Darwin’s ideas and eugenics to justify exterminating ‘weaker’ races.
by Ed Garrett
Exploring the God Question 1. The Cosmos, Part 1 (The big bang)
02 Dec 2014
A DVD discussing whether or not God exists needs a push in the right direction.
by Russell Grigg
Sunstones and Viking ‘magic’
01 Dec 2014
Intriguing navigational aids of the ancient Icelandic seafarers
by Philip Bell
Earth’s rapid magnetic field reversals
30 Nov 2014
Earth’s magnetic field decay, combined with rapid reversals during the Flood, is good evidence for a young world. But now one secular co-author of the rapid reversal papers has retracted.
by Russell Humphreys
Professing Christians: ‘the Bible isn’t factual’
29 Nov 2014
Answering religious critics who deny that Genesis gives reliable history.
by Keaton Halley
Tasmania’s fossil bluff
28 Nov 2014
A watery catastrophe is the only explanation for an amazing collection of fossils on Tasmania’s north west coastline.
by Andrew Snelling
The time that people forgot
27 Nov 2014
A story for today.
by David Catchpoole
The British Evolution Protest Movement
26 Nov 2014
What began as possibly the first organized opposition to evolution grew into England’s Creation Science Movement.
by Effie Munday
‘From the beginning of creation’—what did Jesus mean?
25 Nov 2014
Old-earth creationists fumble in their attempt to avoid Jesus’ clear teaching about the age of the earth.
by Keaton Halley
The Pelican Spider: also known as the assassin spider
24 Nov 2014
A highly unusual spider testifies to biblical creation.
by Len de Beer