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Morning Glory’s Designer Label clothing
24 Mar 2021
Whatever the flower colour of your morning glory plant, it did not evolve that way.
by David Catchpoole
Biblical Archaeology: Year 2007 in review
28 Dec 2007
It’s been a big year for biblical archaeology, from the seal of Jezebel to the discovery of Nehemiah’s wall.
by Daniel Anderson
Christmas and Genesis
21 Dec 2023
How does creation relate to this season? Because the babe in Bethlehem was the Creator of the Universe!
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Does gene duplication provide the engine for evolution?
20 Dec 2007
There are a number of problems with evolution by gene duplication and mutation.
by Jerry Bergman
Hibernation, Migration and the Ark
12 Dec 2007
A tiny marsupial that can hibernate for over a year—should we use this to help ‘explain’ the feasibility of a year-long journey by animals on the Ark?
by Carl Wieland
Defending vital doctrines and the deity of Christ
08 Dec 2007
Do we really confess Jesus as God? To understand New Testament confessions, it is important to understand the Old Testament basis. Many Old Testament references to God/YHWH/Jehovah are applied to Jesus.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Christians, planning your next retreat? How about an advance instead?
04 Dec 2007
Calvin Smith makes a sobering assessment of Christianity in Western society today and issues a clear challenge to action.
by Calvin Smith
Life in a test-tube
19 Apr 2017
Many think that Stanley Miller’s famous 1953 experiment showed that life could arise from non-living chemicals. But real chemistry shows that the chemicals Miller produced would react in the wrong way for life to form.
by Cheri Williams
Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history?
30 Nov 2007
The ‘Genesis is poetry’ (Framework Hypothesis) idea is thoroughly self-inconsistent and nebulous, but also undermines the Gospel at its foundations.
by Dr Don Batten, Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland
Believe it or not—the earth is young!
28 Nov 2007
Evidence mounts that the earth is not millions of years old. What does that mean for me?
by Tas Walker
Even a tiny virus has a powerful mini-motor
27 Nov 2007
A new virus must pack lots of DNA quickly. It is reeled in by a motor that’s stronger for its size than a car engine, and can even change speed.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The old ‘Who created God?’ canard revisited
13 May 2023
Who designed the Designer?
by Jonathan Sarfati