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God, miracles, and logic
19 Mar 2016
Does God do miracles arbitrarily?
by Shaun Doyle
David the Young Earth Creationist
17 Mar 2016
Genesis isn’t poetry, but Psalms’ poetic retellings of the creation account have much to teach the church today.
by Lita Sanders
Giant molecular clouds
15 Mar 2016
Attempts to explain how stars formed inevitably lead to storytelling, and a good imagination.
by John G. Hartnett
Mistakes about mistakes
14 Mar 2016
Do common mutations found in humans and apes prove evolution?
by Dominic Statham
Why does God forbid premarital sex?
12 Mar 2016
Why does God forbid it?
by Shaun Doyle
No coincidence
10 Mar 2016
The earth is a ‘privileged planet’ and was specially created to support life.
by Dominic Statham
Feathers—an evolutionary enigma
09 Mar 2016
The incredible complexity of feathers continues to puzzle evolutionists.
by Jerry Bergman
Scientific paper credits ‘the Creator’ for human hand design
08 Mar 2016
Can secular journals get away with mentioning a ‘Creator’? No way!
by Paul Price
DNA repair mechanisms ‘shout’ creation
07 Mar 2016
The 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry highlights that DNA would be useless without the repair mechanisms to preserve it.
by Don Batten
Plant breeding is not evolution
05 Mar 2016
The idea that plant breeding supports evolution doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
by Don Batten
Have Population III stars finally been discovered?
03 Mar 2016
The big bang hypothesis demands that there should be stars with zero metal content.
by John G Hartnett
From faith to faith—the spiritual pilgrimage of George John Romanes
02 Mar 2016
How George John Romanes embraced friendship with Charles Darwin and struggled to reconcile evolution and Christianity.
by John Rendle-Short