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Robert A. Millikan, physics Nobel laureate and Darwin doubter
02 Sep 2011
Physics Nobel laureate and Darwin doubter.
by Jerry Bergman
Childbirth pains and human consciousness
01 Sep 2011
Would stopping childbirth pain disprove the Curse? And, how does human consciousness fit into the Christian worldview?
by Carl Wieland
Simplified sardine arguments and ‘sacking’ heretics
31 Aug 2011
Do either have a place?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
Dawkins calls Texas Governor a ‘fool’ for questioning the ‘fact’ of evolution
30 Aug 2011
Does Dawkins think his fellow scientists who say evolution has problems are also fools?
by Lita Sanders
Theologian: Genesis means what it says!
29 Aug 2011
A seminary head of Old Testament explains that Genesis unambiguously teaches recent creation in six normal-length days, and why it’s so important.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Lucy’ and atheism
27 Aug 2011
Even if ‘Lucy’ walked upright, would she be an ancestor of humans? And, does science naturally lead to atheism?
by Carl Wieland, Don Batten
Hebrew Scriptures as an aid to developing a creationist taxonomy
26 Aug 2011
Do biblical words provide a framework for a creationist taxonomy?
by Jean K Lightner
Hidden messages in Scripture?
25 Aug 2011
Is the plain meaning (i.e. the historical grammatical reading) of Scripture enough?
by Lita Sanders
Did life come from outer space?
27 Jan 2024
Some evolutionists are admitting that it’s just impossible for life to have begun from nothing, on Earth. So they’re asking…
by Russell Grigg
The not-so-dark side of the Moon
23 Aug 2011
Volcanism on the far side of the moon points to a young solar system.
by Emil Silvestru
Oil not always a ‘fossil fuel’
27 Sep 2023
Most oil comes from buried life; evidence indicates that some oil comes about in a completely different way.
by Carl Wieland
The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve!
20 Aug 2011
Refuting errors by Francis Collins and BioLogos
by Robert W Carter