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Responding to William Lane Craig’s Attack on Biblical Inerrancy
16 Jan 2021
Do the Gospels contain contradictions concerning Peter’s three denials of Christ?
by Paul Price
The Florissant redwood trees deposited from a Flood log mat
15 Jan 2021
How were all these huge tree trunks deposited?
by Michael J Oard
Providing hope during a pandemic
14 Jan 2021
Genesis 1-3 provides the explanation for the origin of death, suffering, and evil in God’s perfect creation. Evolution-believing theologians dismiss this, robbing Christians of hope.
by Gavin Cox
Earth’s inner core shouldn’t exist
13 Jan 2021
According to naturalism, the Earth’s inner core shouldn’t exist!
by Joshua Howells
Evolution a replacement religion?
12 Jan 2021
Evolution is evidence-based, right? Well why do scientific findings that fly in the face of evolution seldom impact the confidence of its adherents?
by Philip Bell
Aquinas didn’t need science to defend Genesis
11 Jan 2021
Aquinas used the philosophy of his day to defend Genesis long before the advent of modern science.
by Lita Sanders
Is God our mother?
09 Jan 2021
Do feminine comparisons in Scripture mean God is our mother?
by Lita Sanders
Glacial-like striations formed in less than 90 seconds
08 Jan 2021
How striations could be explained in the context of the Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Deceitful religious education
07 Jan 2021
Are big bang and evolution compatible with the Bible? Religious Education group RE Today say so, but their curriculum resource leads to confusion instead of clarity on key issues of faith.
by Gavin Cox & Lucien Tuinstra
Putting stones in people’s shoes
06 Jan 2021
Creation evangelism in the marketplace.
by Tas Walker
Is it ok to be a Christian and believe in evolution?
05 Jan 2021
Can you be a Christian and believe in evolution?
by Joel Tay
Our created ear
04 Jan 2021
What does the ear’s design show about the Creator?
by Andy McIntosh