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Are Christians ‘atheists’ with respect to other religions?
10 Sep 2011
What does it mean to be an ‘atheist’?
by Carl Wieland, Don Batten
The paradoxical urinary concentrating mechanism
09 Sep 2011
An excellent example of ‘irreducible complexity’
by Charles Soper
Chronological order in Genesis 1
08 Sep 2011
Big bang beginnings and days before the sun.
by Carl Wieland
Responses to our 15 Questions: part 1
07 Sep 2011
Our 15 Questions for Evolutionists pamphlet has sparked many responses from evolutionists and skeptics attempting to answer.
by Lita Cosner, Dr Don Batten, Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Dr Rob Carter
Britain needs God
06 Sep 2011
Former atheist laments the sour fruit of godlessness.
by Dominic Statham
‘Parade of mutants’
05 Sep 2011
Pedigree dogs, far from being the ‘most evolved’, are actually the sickest and most genetically impoverished.
by Lita Sanders
Atheism, plants, and gas giants
03 Sep 2011
CMI gets questions and comments on all sorts of issues. This week we showcase some of that variety, with questions on topics from atheism to astronomy.
by Lita Cosner, Don Batten, Jonathan Sarfati
Robert A. Millikan, physics Nobel laureate and Darwin doubter
02 Sep 2011
Physics Nobel laureate and Darwin doubter.
by Jerry Bergman
Childbirth pains and human consciousness
01 Sep 2011
Would stopping childbirth pain disprove the Curse? And, how does human consciousness fit into the Christian worldview?
by Carl Wieland
Simplified sardine arguments and ‘sacking’ heretics
31 Aug 2011
Do either have a place?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
Dawkins calls Texas Governor a ‘fool’ for questioning the ‘fact’ of evolution
30 Aug 2011
Does Dawkins think his fellow scientists who say evolution has problems are also fools?
by Lita Sanders
Theologian: Genesis means what it says!
29 Aug 2011
A seminary head of Old Testament explains that Genesis unambiguously teaches recent creation in six normal-length days, and why it’s so important.
by Jonathan Sarfati