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A four-legged fossil snake
02 Dec 2021
Fossil experts are delighted, but somewhat bemused, by the discovery of a beautifully preserved snake, complete with four tiny, but definitely functional, legs—opinion is divided!
by Philip Bell
Christ the Creationist
03 Aug 2015
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Debunking Freud
01 Aug 2015
A reader asks for proof that Freud’s assaults on Christianity have been discredited.
by Keaton Halley
If the foundations be destroyed
31 Jul 2015
America’s courts cite separation of church and state in denying any challenge to the exclusive teaching of evolution in the classroom.
by Rachael J. Denhollander
Practical Evangelism: Taking the Roof Off
30 Jul 2015
A strategy for sharing the Gospel with skeptical friends.
by Paul Price
Programmed to stink
29 Jul 2015
A smelly mushroom shows clear evidence of special creation.
by Dr Wolfgang Kuhn
Planned Parenthood selling baby parts
28 Jul 2015
Why is there outrage that baby parts are being sold, but not as much that babies are being murdered in the first place?
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
Time to refuel? (Or not!)
27 Jul 2015
In modern cars, there is often a warning light that comes on when it’s ‘time to refuel’. The human body, too, has a similar thing—except that in some people, it’s broken.
by David Catchpoole
Birds on the Ark
25 Jul 2015
How many clean and unclean birds were on the Ark, including ravens?
by Jonathan Sarfati
A fallacious philosophical work
24 Jul 2015
Author Conor Cunningham asserts that biblical creationists are critical, cynical and heretical. But does he back up such serious claims with any evidence?
by Mary Beth De Repentigny
Free to believe
23 Jul 2015
‘All are equally free to believe, but some are more equal than others’ fairly describes the humanist agenda—theistic evolution and ID are no bastion against such secularism, only biblical creation.
by Philip Bell
The amazing sea horse
22 Jul 2015
The father gives birth and it has no evolutionary links. It may be the world’s most baffling fish!
by David Juhasz