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How could Noah get all the animals on the Ark?
07 Apr 2008
People often think there is no answer, but there is, and a simple one at that.
by Tas Walker
Easter and Good Friday: questions and answers
13 Apr 2020
Some claim that the word ‘Easter’ is derived from a pagan goddess, and others claim that Jesus must have been crucified on a Wednesday. Read Dr Sarfati’s comments.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Double doctor doubts Darwinian dogma
31 Mar 2008
Dr Don Johnson, a specialist in Information science and chemistry, shows how evolution is impossible.
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
Creationists are ‘liars’ (?)
18 Nov 2009
Geologist Donald Prothero does’t like the fact that we dont agree with his ideas on Darwinian evolution.
by Tas Walker
Grass-eating dinos
24 Mar 2008
How could dinosaurs have eaten grass, if it hadn’t evolved yet?
by David Catchpoole
Genesis and the Cross
30 Mar 2018
It may seem odd for people to celebrate the humiliating defeat of their leader and hero. But the suffering, shame and death of Jesus Christ are a source of hope to Christians.
by Tas Walker
No sign of gravitational lensing in the cosmic microwave background
20 Mar 2008
Could the ‘cosmic microwave background’ just be a ‘local’ phenomenon?
by Ron Samec
Two-tone twins
17 Mar 2008
Twins with different skin tones disprove evolutionary ideas of ‘race’ and support the Bible’s record of human history.
Horseshoe crabs invented themselves?
14 Mar 2008
The latest discovery of a horseshoe crab fossil has evolutionists raving.
by David Catchpoole
Evenings and mornings
13 Mar 2008
How can there be evenings and mornings in Genesis 1 before the creation of the sun on Day 4?
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Bird behaviour beliefs overturned
12 Mar 2008
How a hummingbird’s tail and a flock of flying starlings show us that there is more to birds than meets the eye.
by Philip Bell
Who’s inheriting the wind now?
10 Jun 2015
A bitter harvest from the Darwinian propaganda film about the Scopes trial (1925–2005). Darwinian advocates have failed to predict the bad consequences of teaching evolution as truth
by David Demick