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Pre-Flood predatory dinosaur interactions and the fossil record
22 Feb 2020
Carnivorous dinosaurs pre-Flood: Wouldn’t lots of apex predators be problematic for the biblical creation perspective?
by Philip Bell
Empirical data support seafloor spreading and catastrophic plate tectonics
21 Feb 2020
What are the six types of data and how do they support rapid plate movement during the Flood?
by Timothy L. Clarey
Preaching the Gospel in honour/shame societies
20 Feb 2020
The Gospel removes the guilt and shame of our sin, and gives us the right to sit with Christ on His throne.
by Russell Grigg
Walk like a skate?
19 Feb 2020
Are the ‘walking’ actions of skates an evolutionary step between swimming and walking on land?
by Philip Bell
Micro-robot eyes inspired by jumping spider
18 Feb 2020
Ingenious depth perception of jumping spider eyes has inspired designers of micro-robot eyes.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Stunning Stonehenge!
17 Feb 2020
‘Stone Age’ relic of post-Babel construction?
by Gavin Cox
How did the Fjords form?
15 Feb 2020
Were they carved by the glaciers or was it something else?
by Tas Walker
Confirmed: physical association between parent galaxies and quasar families
14 Feb 2020
What does this mean for big bang and biblical creation?
by John Hartnett
Question Evolution Day
13 Feb 2020
Darwin’s birthday should be a day to question evolution! How should we present the truth?
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Deuteronomy—the Creator’s covenant
12 Feb 2020
What can the covenant in Deuteronomy teach us about our God?
by Lita Sanders
Bad arguments for the Masoretic
11 Feb 2020
Responding to a creationist paper that uses bad argumentation to support the Masoretic text.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle provides compelling evidence for the Bible
10 Feb 2020
The third installment of Patterns of Evidence examines the question: can we really believe God parted the Red Sea?
by Lita Sanders