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What life is
08 Sep 2017
We need to know what it actually is before we can hope to explain its origin.
by Alex Williams
Deism and divine revelation
18 Nov 2021
Does God have good reasons to use special revelation, like the Bible, to reveal Himself?
by Shaun Doyle
Caving in to creation
04 May 2022
Carl Wieland interviews Romanian geologist and world cave authority Dr Emil Silvestru
by Carl Wieland
Luke Howard: namer of the clouds
05 Sep 2017
How the Latin names we use for clouds today were invented by young amateur meteorologist Luke Howard in 1802.
by Russell Grigg
Overturnin’ the learnin’ about lignin
04 Sep 2017
The discovery in a seaweed of a complex molecule thought (and taught!) to be only in land plants astonishes evolutionists, forcing a billion-year rewrite of textbooks.
by David Catchpoole
Evolution: not needed
02 Sep 2017
Microbes-to-man evolution is often an unnecessary add-on to explanations in biology.
by Shaun Doyle
The Grand Canyon in the thralls of shallow, doctrinaire uniformitarianism
01 Sep 2017
Uncritical rehash of the same set of old arguments that are imagined to nullify Flood geology.
by John Woodmorappe
Follow the money … from the Templeton Foundation
31 Aug 2017
How the Templeton Foundation distributes its funds and what effect that has on the recipients.
by Rev. Jim Witteveen
Post-truth: even in the Church?
29 Aug 2017
The high cost of academic respectability in today’s evolution-friendly churches is that biblical truth is being steadily eroded and suppressed.
by Marc Ambler
There’s cosmology and then there’s real science!
28 Aug 2017
Physicists conduct real, evidence-based research but astrophysicists can only deal in hypotheses.
by John G. Hartnett
On evolution and fraud
26 Aug 2017
Why is evolutionary theory so full of deliberate frauds? And is this the major creationist argument against evolution?
by Joel Tay
Becoming one flesh
25 Aug 2017
Science reveals a biblical truth with respect to the unique connection between husband and wife.
by Kathy Wallace