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The Oscar Pistorius trial and the role of forensic bias
11 Sep 2014
The Oscar Pistorius trial illustrates how establishing the history of an event based on forensic evidence alone often leads to conflicting interpretations of the evidence.
by Marc Ambler
A meat-eating parrot!
10 Sep 2014
New Zealand’s kea is blamed for the deaths of thousands of sheep.
by Paula Weston
Does the Bible really forbid homosexual relationships?
09 Sep 2014
Some argue that a modern understanding of the Bible makes clear that it does not forbid all homosexual relationships. Is this true?
by Dominic Statham
Continental-scale erosion
08 Sep 2014
Evidence of runoff from Noah’s Flood
by Michael J Oard
‘What if Jesus tells you you’re wrong?’
07 Sep 2014
A correspondent asks, ‘What if you get to heaven and Jesus tells you that you were wrong?’
by Lita Sanders
Icing the ALS ‘ice bucket’ challenge
06 Sep 2014
Problems with the ALS bucket challenge, including use of stems cells from embryos and aborted fetuses, although ALS association admits that adult stem cell research is most promising.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation in-depth: Lunar formation
05 Sep 2014
Collision theory fails.
by Ronald G Samec
Missing cosmic sources elude astrophysicists
04 Sep 2014
Astrophysicists have found there is too much light in the space between galaxies and propose it is caused by decaying Dark Matter.
by John Hartnett
What is Peripatus?
03 Sep 2014
It’s not a caterpillar. Nor an earthworm—its ‘legs’ have retractable feet and hooked claws. And it most certainly is not a ‘missing link’.
by Margaret Helder
Egyptian chronology and the Bible—framing the issues
09 Apr 2024
Egyptian history intertwines with Old Testament events, but it can be confusing to try to harmonize the two. Gary Bates introduces some of the issues for laypeople.
by Gary Bates
Arthropods inspire strong, biodegradable material
01 Sep 2014
Hybrid of arthropod exoskeleton and silk is about as strong and tough as an aluminium alloy, but is only half as dense.
by Jonathan Sarfati
When did animals become carnivorous?
22 Jun 2024
The Bible is clear that humans were only permitted to eat meat after Noah’s Flood but is less clear on whether animals were eating each other before the Flood.
by Jonathan Sarfati