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Creation evangelism at Mars Hill
20 Feb 2019
What Paul’s address to the Greeks teaches today’s evangelists.
by Lita Sanders
Countering emotional attacks on creation
19 Feb 2019
Those who oppose God often use emotional arguments. Are you ready to respond?
by Tas Walker
The Samurai Crab
18 Feb 2019
The idea that the samurai face on the Heike crab was designed by natural selection isn’t true.
by Calvin Smith
How could Noah's Ark have survived the flood?
16 Feb 2019
What with all the waves, water jets, hurricanes, and ocean heat?
by Tas Walker
‘Paleosols’ can form faster than secular scientists think
15 Feb 2019
Can happen faster than secular scientists think.
by Michael J. Oard
Almost-great Bible study has fatal flaws
14 Feb 2019
How should we think about a Bible study that is flawed regarding creation and the Flood?
by Lita Sanders
No evolution in pollution: killifish survivors are ‘losers’
15 Sep 2021
Killifish have been found living in polluted rivers with levels of industrial toxins 8,000 times the lethal dose.
by David Catchpoole
Is there a God?
12 Feb 2019
Here are Stephen Hawking’s reasons for believing that God does not exist, and ours for believing that he was wrong.
by Russell Grigg
Conversation with an unlikely convert
11 Feb 2019
How an academic’s life was eventually turned around by true friendship and reading the Bible.
by Lita Sanders
Medicine and miracles
09 Feb 2019
God can do miracles, so is getting medical care a sign of lacking faith?
by Lita Sanders
Is the male reproductive system poorly designed?
08 Feb 2019
The male reproductive system is not poorly designed.
by Jerry Bergman
Evolution: a message of hope?
07 Feb 2019
You think it’s no big deal how humans originated? Where, according to atheists, do meaning, value and significance come from? Is theistic evolution the answer?
by Philip Bell