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The Ark Van ministry
08 Sep 2016
Travelling Australia and the world beyond talking about Noah and the Ark.
by N/A
Conspiracy and doomsday scenarios: should Christians be worried?
12 May 2007
Was the US Government really behind 9/11? Is destructive weather really being generated by secret ‘scalar interferometry’ weapons? Are such claims true, and what should Christians do about it?
by Andrew Lamb
Genesis—the seedbed of all Christian doctrine
11 May 2007
A compact, point-by-point demonstration of the oft-stated and important claim that virtually all Christian doctrine is dependent on, or founded in, the history in the book of Genesis.
by Russell Grigg
Is the evolutionary tree turning into a creationist orchard?
10 May 2007
Genome sequences of microorganisms create problems for the evolutionary tree but support the biblical ‘kind’ concept.
by Pierre Jerlström
Birds: fliers from the beginning
08 May 2007
Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis were fully-formed birds, conflicting with the evolutionary dinos-to-birds narrative.
by Jonathan Sarfati
07 May 2007
Tiny features in granite rocks make no sense in an evolutionary framework, but are powerful evidence of biblical creation and the Flood.
by Andrew A. Snelling
No more love for Lucy?
04 May 2007
For decades, ‘Lucy’ has been anthropology’s favourite ‘pin-up’ example of evolutionary transition from apes to humans. But she’s just been ignominiously dumped.
by Daniel Anderson
Is this your first time?
25 Apr 2007
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David Catchpoole
Chemists in stew about intelligent design
24 Apr 2007
Another open minded editor finds himself in hot water from the censors.
by Tas Walker
If only the church could name the enemy …
18 Apr 2007
What is now the religion of the Western world? Amazingly, the church seems unable to answer this question.
by Peter Milford
Clash over origins
17 Apr 2007
A debate between evolutionist professor, Dr Mark Farmer and creationist medico, Dr Carl Wieland, gives the audience plenty of meat to chew over.
by Don Batten
Kid Con
13 Apr 2007
Two popular modern biology texts teach evolution in a most unscientific manner, encouraging students to accept evolution without critical analysis—this is indoctrination, not education.
by Gordon Howard