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Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?
11 Dec 2021
Are cratered planetary landscapes and moonscapes, and colliding galaxies, evidence against an Intelligent Designer?
by Andrew Sibley
‘Snowball Earth’ out with a bang?
10 Dec 2021
How could the earth get out of a global glaciation?
by Edward Isaacs
What’s a billion years between friends?
09 Dec 2021
How easy it seems to simply adjust an age that does not fit the evolutionary long-age narrative. Sometimes, there are no qualms about changing a ‘date’ by a billion years!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Tooth enamel: hard, and hard to replace
06 Dec 2021
It’s the hardest substance in the human body. But be warned: If you’re slack with your dental hygiene, fixing your tooth enamel ain’t easy.
by David Catchpoole
Speleothem growth
04 Dec 2021
A question is asked about sceptics’ responses to creationists using speedy growth rates of speleothems under man-made structures to illustrate speedy natural cave formations
by Gavin Cox
The unexpected history of scientific naturalism
03 Dec 2021
A review of Science Without God? by Peter Harrison and Jon H. Roberts (Eds.)
by Daniel Davidson
The house that changed colour
01 Dec 2021
Would an atheist believe in God if his house changed colour overnight?
by Ari Takku
The Fagradalsfjall–Geldingadalir eruption of 2021, and other Icelandic volcanoes
30 Nov 2021
Recent Icelandic volcanoes highlight major changes to landform in a matter of months and years.
by Andrew Sibley
An amazing desert trio
29 Nov 2021
After the Flood, numerous animals adapted to special environments. Let’s look at how some special animals, the sandcat, fennec fox and mulgara adapted to the desert heat!
by Matthew Cserhati
New Homo erectus crania associated with stone tools raise issues
26 Nov 2021
What can we learn from stone tool finds with Homo erectus skulls?
by Peter Line
The history of flying machines
24 Nov 2021
What does it tell us about the evolution of flight?
by Stuart Burgess
Over-engineering in nature: an evolutionary conundrum
23 Nov 2021
Natural selection can only select for the attributes an organism needs to survive, so how is it that creatures are endowed with a whole lot more than necessary?
by David Catchpoole