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Web visitor from South Africa sees the need for Creation Evangelism
25 May 2000
Web visitor from South Africa sees the need for Creation Evangelism
by JG
Were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?
04 Aug 2016
Skeptics scoff, but these beasts were onboard with Noah and his family.
by Don Batten, David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati, and Carl Wieland
Not by chance!
13 Jul 2022
Devastating assault, by a highly qualified author, on the very core of evolutionary theory.
by Carl Wieland
Sensational dinosaur blood report!
10 May 2023
This 1997 report rocked the world of paleontology—how is it possible if dinosaur bones are millions of years old?
by Carl Wieland
How did we get so many people in such a short time?
02 Oct 2013
How could the human population grow to 7 billion from only eight people on the Ark in such a short time?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Genesis contradictions?
26 Aug 2023
Skeptics claim that the order of creation in Genesis 2 is different to that in chapter 1. But is it?
by Don Batten
Test comments article
04 Jan 1970
by Test
Comment on One Human Family
02 Jan 1970
Incorporate CMI commenting system into One Human Family via an iframe
by Peter Smartt
One Human Family
01 Jan 1970
Whether it’s language, genes, the effect of various religions on culture and economics–even such ‘hot potatoes’ as slavery, affirmative action, IQ/race and indigenous problems–this deeply informative work is unlike any creation book you have ever read.
by Carl Wieland
Created kinds vs Ark kinds—implications for creation research
16 Apr 1907
This is the teaser
by Russell Grigg
How did all the animals fit on Noah’s Ark?
What animals did Noah take onto the Ark? Where did they store all the food? How could the Ark have been big enough? What about all the animals’ waste?
A new type of cell division
A new type of cell division