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Young Saturn
29 Oct 2012
Cassini space probe destroys billion-year beliefs
by David Coppedge
Do correspondents’ letters mean what they intended?
28 Oct 2012
A correspondent writes that ‘what the author intended to convey’ is ‘subjective and debatable’.
by Russell Grigg
Why do Christians want to defend evolution?
27 Oct 2012
Evolution is naturalism for biology and undermines the integrity of the gospel; so why marry it with the Bible?
by Don Batten
Genomic monkey business—estimates of nearly identical human–chimp DNA similarity re-evaluated using omitted data
26 Oct 2012
According to the latest data, this claim is vastly overestimated.
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Jerry Bergman
Genetic entropy and simple organisms
25 Oct 2012
There are good reasons for believing that the survival of complex species is threatened by genetic entropy. The same may not be true of simpler species like bacteria, however.
by Robert Carter
The ‘fungus’ that ‘walks’
24 Oct 2012
Scientists can't decide if this organism is animal, vegetable … or something else.
by Rodney McQueen, David Catchpoole
Genesis liberates women in the Binumarien tribe of New Guinea
23 Oct 2012
How social transformation began in the Binumarien tribe of New Guinea.
by Tas Walker
The so-called ‘Age of Dinosaurs’
22 Oct 2012
Why there never was a ‘land before time’ millions of years ago!
by Calvin Smith
Being prepared—facing the tough questions
21 Oct 2012
Facing the tough questions.
by Carl Wieland
Is nature clearer than written language?
20 Oct 2012
Nature can’t speak for itself.
by Lita Sanders
Did birds evolve from dinosaurs?
19 Oct 2012
Do Archaeopteryx and so-called ‘feathered dinosaurs’ support dino-to-bird evolution?
by Michael J Oard
Our Triune God
18 Oct 2012
How do we explain how God is Three in One?
by Lita Sanders