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Rails derail Darwinism
13 Oct 2021
Flightlessness is devolution, not evolution.
by Matthew Cserhati
UK Prime Minister addresses Climate Change, but undermines Christian doctrines
12 Oct 2021
In a speech on Climate Change the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson undermined a basic Christian doctrine relating to the status, duties and rights of mankind.
by Andrew Sibley
Trilobite conga line vs evolutionary timeline
11 Oct 2021
Amazingly preserved trilobite fossils testify to rapid fossil formation during Noah’s Flood
by Philip Robinson
Fossil time ranges continue to be increased
08 Oct 2021
Evolutionists cannot challenge creationists to explain the order in the fossil record, since that order appears to be far from established.
by Michael J. Oard
‘Discovering the Truth about Dinosaurs’
07 Oct 2021
‘That’s why there are stories from cultures worldwide, of dragon encounters and men terrified.’
by Margaret Wieland
Puzzling over evolution of language
06 Oct 2021
The ‘great apes’ are not-so-great at providing clues as to our origins
by David Catchpoole
The rapid decline in biblical lifespans
05 Oct 2021
Skeptics scoff at the long lifespans of the biblical Patriarchs. Yet, the biblical data gives us a seamless exponential decay curve that could not have been invented by accident.
by Robert Carter
Meet the muscle man with a difference
04 Oct 2021
Lucien Tuinstra dialogues with Dutchman Prof. Hans Degens
by Lucien Tuinstra
Different understandings of origins?
02 Oct 2021
How important are different understandings of origins?
by Shaun Doyle
The hemizygosity hypothesis—a novel genetic paradigm for baranomes
01 Oct 2021
A novel genetic paradigm for how the created kinds diversified after the Flood
by Peer Terborg
White Squirrels?
30 Sep 2021
White squirrels appear in a handful of towns in North America. How did they get there? Is it evolution? Is white fur a beneficial mutation or a curse?
by Thomas Bailey
Avian deceptions
29 Sep 2021
What is brood parasitism? Can evolution explain its origin?
by Jon Ahlquist