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Shared mutations in β-globin pseudogenes
06 Jul 2012
Not evidence that humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor.
by Bryan Anderson
Creation Answer Book raises questions
05 Jul 2012
Problematic statements about the age of the earth mar a new book about creation.
by Lita Sanders
A new view of Chapman’s Peak Drive, Cape Town, South Africa
03 Jul 2012
Revealing spectacular evidence for Noah’s global Flood
by Tas Walker
Indonesian mud volcano keeps erupting
02 Jul 2012
Geological forces inside the earth unleash disaster
by Tas Walker
The glasses of ‘deep time’
01 Jul 2012
The assumption of long ages determine the results because it is assumed before the evidence is considered.
by Dr Tas Walker, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Gay ‘marriage’ and the consistent outcome of Genesis compromise
30 Jun 2012
A former lecturer at a compromising evangelical institution is at least consistent—his rejection of Noah’s flood is an excuse for rejecting biblical teachings on marriage as well.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The basement rocks of the Brisbane area, Australia
29 Jun 2012
Where do they fit in the creation model?
by Tas Walker
Evangelicals and biblical creation
28 Jun 2012
Many evangelicals are biblically ‘spot on’—everywhere but Genesis. With the biblical evidence being so clear, what barriers do they face with respect to Genesis?
by Robert Gurney
Incredible Kinesin!
26 Jun 2012
Science reveals an unimaginable level of technology and design in living things supposed to have evolved by chance billions of years ago!
by Calvin Smith
The Colugo Challenge
25 Jun 2012
Perfectly fit for its life in the trees, the colugo just doesn’t ‘fit’ into the evolutionary ‘tree of life’
by David Catchpoole
The limits of Neo-Darwinism
24 Jun 2012
What are mutations and natural selection capable of?
by Don Batten
The myth of neutrality
23 Jun 2012
Rather than promoting neutrality, as some claim, secularism is a dogmatic belief system that is changing society beyond recognition.
by Dominic Statham