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The brain—brainier than believed before
31 Mar 2009
Overturning long-held ideas, new research shows that our brains unconsciously make the ‘best possible’ decisions. But this optimal design makes little sense in a Darwinist scenario.
by Carl Wieland
Beneath the surface with marine reptiles
30 Mar 2009
Having completed a doctoral degree in paleontology, Ross Marcus sees no conflict between the Bible and science.
by Paleontologist Dr Marcus Ross talks with Tas Walker
An emotional response to the age of the earth
28 Mar 2009
Not everyone gets angry when asked about a ‘young’ earth
by CMI staff
The meaning of yôm in Genesis 1:1–2:4
01 Jan 2016
Despite claims to the contrary, the meaning of yôm in Genesis is not in doubt.
by Francis Humphrey
‘But the New Testament does not make a big deal out of the Age of the Earth …’
26 Mar 2009
That does not mean it’s a side issue.
by Peter Milford
Darwin’s illegitimate brainchild
25 Mar 2009
If you thought Darwin’s Origin was original, think again!
by Russell Grigg
Is death a good thing or a bad thing?
24 Mar 2009
A long-time creationist writer shares some very personal insights following the passing of his wife after 47 years of marriage.
by Russell Grigg
Frozen frogs
23 Mar 2009
Some frogs survive freezing in the Arctic winter, apparently ‘dead’, only to revive in spring. Such design speaks of a clever Creator.
by Lawson Schroeder
Distant starlight, and dino and human fossils
21 Mar 2009
The Horizon problem: the big banger’s own distant starlight problem, and more evidence against the big bang. Why are there no mass graveyards of human and dino fossils?
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole
Astronomical troubles for the astronomical hypothesis of ice ages
20 Mar 2009
Evolutionists explain the alleged plurality of ice ages with three Milankovitch cycles that change the earth’s orbital geometry around the sun. Yet the evidence is weak, and evolutionists actually assume what they claim to prove.
by Michael Oard
President Obama okays funding embryonic stem cell research (but removes adult stem cell funding)
19 Mar 2009
President Obama now forces taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research, but will this save lives or take them? And he rescinded funding for proven life-saving somatic stem cell research
by Lita Sanders
Deconstructing Darwin—full steam ahead!
17 Mar 2009
CMI’s Deconstructing Darwin meetings are having an impact.
by Calvin Smith